CS 127 Assignments

Assignment 2: Computational Complexity

Assigned on Monday, 9/20.
Due in class on paper on Friday, 9/24.

Work through Section 2.8 Self-Check Exercises (1-4) on page 117 of your textbook. You may share ideas with others in the class, but you should turn in your own assignment.

Clarifications to questions:

(added after assignment was turned in, I'm adding this so I can get this right next time I teach the class)

Question 1: "Determine how many times the output statement is displayed in each of the following fragments. Indicate whether the number of times that the output statement is printed is O(n) or O(n^2)."

Question 2: "For the following T(n) find values of n_0 and c such that cn^3 is larger than or equal to all n larger than n_0."