Carleton College CS 127, Data Structures


Assignment 0: Tell me about yourself!
Assigned on Tuesday, 9/17.
Due by 5 PM on Thursday, 9/19.

Send me an e-mail message at dmusican. In particular, tell me about your experiences with computers, what inspired you to take this course (which of my courses are you in?), and what you hope to get out of it.

Assignment 1: Tic-Tac-Toe class
Assigned on Monday, 9/23.
Due by 5 PM on Friday, 9/27.

Write an implementation for the class TTTBoard whose interface is in TTTBoard.h. Hand in a source file called TTTBoard.cpp that contains only the member functions for TTTBoard (no main()). Note that TTTBoard.cpp should #include "TTTBoard.h".

Assignment 2: Minibrowse
Assigned on Monday, 9/30.
Design document due on paper at the beginning of class on Wednesday, 10/2.
Final program due electronically on Monday, 10/7 at 5 PM.

Assignment 3: Rolodex
Assigned on Monday, 10/7.
Design document due on paper at the beginning of class on Wednesday, 10/9.
Final program due electronically on Monday, 10/14 at 5 PM.

Assignment 4: Knights Around the Chessboard
Assigned on Friday, 10/18.
No design document due because of midterm break.
Final program due electronically on Friday, 10/25 at 4 PM. Be aware that the labs in the CMC close at 5 PM.

Assignment 5: Spelling Checker
Assigned on Friday, 10/25.
Design document due on paper at the beginning of class on Monday, 10/28.
Final program due electronically on Friday, 11/1, by 4 PM. Be aware that the labs in the CMC close at 5 PM.

Assignment 6: Analytical Assignment
Part I Assigned on Wednesday, 10/30
Part I due on paper in class on Monday, 11/4.
Part II Assigned on Friday, 11/1
Part II due on paper in class on Wednesday, 11/6.

Assignment 7: Hashing and Searching Benchmarking
Assigned on Wednesday, 11/6.
Program due electronically on Wednesday, 11/13, at 4 PM.
Summary document due on paper on Wednesday, 11/13, at 4 PM, in Justin's mailbox.

Final Project: COWS, the Carleton Original Web Search engine
Assigned on Friday, 11/15.
Program due electronically by 5:00 PM on Monday, 11/25 (no extensions by College policy!)