CS 127 Projects

Fall, 2000

Project 0: Tell me about yourself!

Due: Friday, 9/15/00, 11 AM (but try to do it before class on 9/13/00).

Log on to one of the department Linux computers, and send me an e-mail message at dmusican. In particular, tell me about your experiences with computers, what inspired you to take this course (which of my courses are you in?), and what you hope to get out of it.

Project 1: Get started.
Goals: To make sure you can compile, run, and submit your programs.

Due: Friday, 9/15/00, 5 PM.

Write a C++ program of your own choosing, and indicate with comments at the top of the program what it does. This program can be as easy or as hard as you like, as we won't grade this project on content. The program should work (i.e. not crash), but the main purpose here is to make sure that you know how to compile and submit programs on our Linux systems. To electronically submit the programs, you will need to use the hsp program; for more information, visit  http://www.mathcs.carleton.edu/system_notes/hsp.html .

Project 2: Web Page Navigation with Stacks
Goals: To build an application using stacks.

Due: Friday, 9/22/00, 5 PM.
Click here for more information!

Project 3: Rolodex Information Management
Goals: To build a Rolodex using linked lists.

Due: Friday, 9/29/00, 5 PM.
Click here for more information!

Project 4: Shape Inheritance
Goals: To gain experience in C++ derived classes

Due: Friday, 10/6/00, 5 PM.
Click here for more information!

Project 5: Spelling Checker
Goals: To practice binary search on lists, as well as designing a software project

Design due: Wednesday, 10/18/00, beginning of class
Project due: Monday, 10/23/00, 5 PM.
Click here for more information!

Project 6: Questions on Sorting
Goals: To engage sorting algorithms

Project due: Friday, 10/27/00, 5 PM.
Click here for more information!

Project 7: Experimental CS: Benchmarking Hashing vs. Sorting & Binary Searching
Goals: To practice experimenting with different methods and benchmarking results

Project due: Monday, 11/6/00, 5 PM.
Click here for more information!

Project 8: Final project
Goals: To synthesize all you have learned!

Design due: Monday, 11/13/00, beginning of class
Project due: Monday, 11/20/00, 5 PM.
Click here for more information!