CS 117: Instructions for Electronically Handing In Your Work

You should create a separate folder for each assignment that you turn in to contain all the files for that assignment. To do this:

0. Close BlueJ completely.

1. Double click on My Computer on the desktop, then find your hand-in folder by double clicking as follows:
    S: (Usr on Moo) --> Students --> Homework --> CS117-Musicant --> your username

2. Move this My Computer window to the side and leave it open.

3. Open up My Computer again, and find your Java project on the K drive. Use the right mouse button to drag the entire folder to your hand-in folder. Choose "Copy Here" from the menu that pops up.

    NOTE: MAKE SURE THAT YOU RIGHT-CLICK INSTEAD OF LEFT CLICK AND SELECT "COPY HERE".  If you left-click, this is the same as moving instead of copying. If you move your files, you'll no longer be able to access them from your K drive.

4. If you are resubmitting a project that you have already submitted previously, rename the folder before submitting it. For example, if your original project was named "ChangeMaker", rename your project "ChangeMaker1". If you have to resubmit again, call it "ChangeMaker2", and so on.

5. The time of most recent modification is available to the grader. Deadlines are upheld. See the class syllabus for more information.

6. Ask me or a lab assistant if you have any questions.