CS 117: Introduction to Computer Science
Graphics Labs

Each of these programs contains instructions for you.  To get started, create a new project in BlueJ, choose "Edit" from the menu bar, then choose "Add Class From File." Navigate to the S drive, then go to the folder S:\Shared_Faculty_Files\Musicant\DrawingLab. Click on the name of the first program (DrawingLab0.java), then click the "Add" button. Double click on the java file in BlueJ, read the instructions at the top, and do what they tell you to do.  Repeat for the rest of the files listed below.  Have fun!

By the way: note that there is no separate "main" class, or "tester" class, for each of these classes. The main is actually contained right inside.

NOTE: You have a new assignment as well. Make sure to check it out.