CS 117: Introduction to Computer Science

Assignment: Dice.

For this assignment, you will create a class called Die to handle a six-sided die, as you would use for a board game. To get started:

I have created a sample project called diceproject, which is located in the directory /Accounts/courses/cs117/dmusican. You need to copy this entire project into your home directory. To copy this project into your own account, open a terminal window and type

cp -r /Accounts/courses/cs117/dmusican/diceproject .

Don't miss the period at the very end of the above line.

(The period means "my current directory," so this operation copies the project into your current directory. The "-r" means "recursive," and tells cp to copy the entire projectname folder and its contents and its subfolders and their contents and their subfolders....)

If you are working at home and instead want to create this project from scratch, create a new project called diceproject. Add two new classes, one called Canvas and the other called Die. You then copy in the Java code from these links for Canvas.java and Die.java.

Once you have successfully copied this project to your own directory, open it up in BlueJ. You should have a Canvas class already inside, and a class called Die. This Die class contains some complete methods and some "stubs." A stub is a method that has been filled with dummy code (or no code at all) in anticipation of being completed later. Your job is to complete the stubs in the Die class. You should also create your own additional class called DieTester, which has a single method named test. You will need to write testing code in this method as discussed in class to make sure your Die class works. You may hand in the testing code with your diceproject project, but the grader will design her own tests.