We've got some tools to get set up, and some initial information to figure out. Typically, assignments will be due at 6pm on M/W/F, but I've got this one due early because I want to make sure we can quickly shake out any technical problems before the next class if we can.

Post to Moodle Questions & Answers

We'll be using a forum in moodle called "Questions & Answers" where you can get help throughout the course. To get you some practice in using it, post to the test question thread that's there.

What you need to do: Make sure to respond to the test post. Questions & Answers. I'll ask if you've done so in the survey at the end of this assignment.

Make sure you can use Olin lab computers

We'll be learning to use the Python programming language, and so you'll need to be able to run Python on a computer. Python is already installed on our lab computers on the third-floor of Olin, so if you wish to do all of your work there, you don't need to install it anywhere else. Regardless of where you choose to do most of your work, we should make sure that you can successfully use our lab computers.

Work through the instructions linked in Moodle titled "How to use lab computers in Olin correctly so as not to lose your work". Ask for help if you have trouble with any of the steps.

What you need to do: Make sure that you have successfully completed the above instructions, which ends with having you run a basic Python program. I'll ask if you've done so in the survey at the end of this assignment.


Read through the course syllabus, and answer the questions in this Syllabus Quiz.

What you need to do: Make sure that you have completed the Syllabus Quiz.

Survey, pair programming preferences, and other trivia

Fill out this startup questions survey to let me know some info about you, your preferences regarding pair programming, and whether or not you've succeeded at the above tasks.

What you need to do: Make sure that you have completed the startup questions survey.

Optional: set up your own computer

If you wish to run Python on your own computer, which is completely optional, you can get that set up. The Moodle site, in week 1, has links to a series of web pages that describe how to install Python. Pick the appropriate set of instructions and get Python installed on your computer.