CS 107, Introduction to Computer Science

Creation Manager

Assigned on Monday, 11/4.
Due on Friday, 11/8 by 4 PM. (Remember, the lab closes by 5 on Fridays!)


You will build a "Creation Manager," which is a dynamic web page where users can store information about their favorite creations and creators.

Part I: The Database

Build a MySQL database of creators and creations similar to the authors and books database we used in lab. You may use directors and their movies, composers and their songs, poets and their poems, or something similar. Don't stray far from this simple creators and creations format--you'll have a chance to use more sophisticated data in your final project.

Part II: The Web Pages

Once you have a database to work with, you should write a combination of HTML and PHP to do the following:

Provide a home page for your creation manager that displays two HTML tables, one with your creators and one with your creations.

Provide buttons, text inputs, and/or whatever mechanisms you deem necessary to allow the user to:
(After an insertion or deletion is made, you should redisplay your creation manager home page with the updated tables.)

Provide capability for the user to:
Put your files into a folder called "creators" in your web folder, and when you are completely done also make a copy of this folder in your homework folder.. Call the initial home page index.html, so the URL http://prism.mathcs.carleton.edu/cs107/youruseername/creators/ will go to your form. You may name any other files anything you wish, but please them in the creators folder, too.

Parting Words:

Start early, good luck, and have fun!