CS 107, Final Project

For your final project, you will research some topic related to the Internet, and present your results as a small web site. The scope of your work should be similar to what you would do for a ten page paper, but your presentation should be suitable for the web rather than the linear narrative form of a term paper. You may work on your project with one other person from the class if you wish.

Here are your deadlines:

Topics could be technical (e.g. a detailed comparison of PHP with a client-side language like Javascript, or a discussion of routing algorithms) or non-technical (e.g. research on the "digital divide," or the role of the Internet in dissident communities around the world) or a combination (e.g. a study of the legal and technical sides of privacy or of copyright on the Internet). You may use MySQL and/or PHP for your project, but you do not have to.