Assignment: Uninformed and Informed Search

This assignment is to be turned in individually. You may talk to others and discuss ideas, but you should ultimately turn in your own work.

1. Describe the characteristics of a search space in which iterative deepening search performs much worse than depth-first search. In this situation, give big-O descriptions of the running time for iterative deepening and for depth-first search. Your answer should reflect the structure of a particular search space, not where in that search space the solution happens to be or how often it appears.

2. Sometimes there is no good evaluation function for a problem, but there is a good comparison method: a way to tell if one node is better than another, without assigning numerical values to either. Show that this is enough to do a best-first search. Describe in words and pseudo code how you would implement this method, and show what the differences in time and memory would be (if any) compared to a standard greedy search where you know the particular value associated with each node. (This problem is based on textbook problem 4.12)

3. The heuristic path algorithm is a best-first search in which the objective function is f(n) = (2-w)g(n) + w h(n). For what values of w is this algorithm guaranteed to be optimal, assuming that h is admissible? Prove your results. (You may assume that 0 <= w <= 2). What kind of search does this perform when w = 0? When w = 1? When w = 2? (This problem is based on textbook problem 4.2)