Coalitional games allow subsets (coalitions) of players to cooperate to receive a collective payoff. This payoff is then distributed ``fairly'' among the members of that coalition according to some division scheme. Various solution concepts have been proposed as reasonable schemes for generating fair allocations. The \emph{Shapley value} is one classic solution concept: player $i$'s share is precisely equal to $i$'s expected marginal contribution if the players join the coalition one at a time, in a uniformly random order. In this paper, we consider the class of supermodular games (sometimes called convex games), and give a fully polynomial-time randomized approximation scheme (FPRAS) to compute the Shapley value to within a $(1 \pm \varepsilon)$ factor in monotone supermodular games. We show that this result is tight in several senses: no deterministic algorithm can approximate Shapley value as well, no randomized algorithm can do better, and both monotonicity and supermodularity are required for the existence of an efficient $(1 \pm \varepsilon)$-approximation algorithm. We also argue that, relative to supermodularity, monotonicity is a mild assumption, and we discuss how to transform supermodular games to be monotonic.