Social networks support efficient decentralized search: people can collectively construct short paths to a specified target in the network. \emph{Rank-based friendship}---where the probability that person~$u$ befriends person $v$ is inversely proportional to the number of people who are closer to $u$ than $v$ is---is an empirically validated model of acquaintanceship that provably results in efficient decentralized search via greedy routing, even in networks with variable population densities. In this paper, we introduce \emph{cautious-greedy routing}, a variant of greedy that avoids taking large jumps unless they make substantial progress towards the target. Our main result is that cautious-greedy routing finds a path of short expected length from an arbitrary source to a randomly chosen target, independent of the population densities. To quantify the expected length of the path, we define the \emph{depth of field} of a metric space, a new quantity that intuitively measures the ``width'' of directions that leave a point in the space. Our main result is that cautious-greedy routing finds a path of expected length $O(\log^2 n)$ in $n$-person networks that have aspect ratio polynomial in $n$, bounded doubling dimension, and bounded depth of field. Specifically, in $k$-dimensional grids under Manhattan distance with arbitrary population densities, the $O(\log^2 n)$ expected path length that we achieve with the cautious-greedy algorithm improves the best previous bound of $O(\log^3 n)$ with greedy routing.