A revised version of this material has been published by Cambridge University Press as Connecting Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science by David Liben-Nowell. An older edition of the material was published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc as Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science. Linked below is a pre-publication version of this material, which is free to view and download for personal use only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale, or use in derivative works. © David Liben-Nowell 2020–2022.
If you're looking for a solution manual and you're an instructor of a relevant course, there's one available via the publisher. If you're not an instructor for a course, then I'm sorry to say that there's no solution manual available.
Here is a list of known errata in the book.
There's a form for you to let me know of any typos or other comments, but I'm always very happy to get an email. Please get in touch if you have any other concerns, ideas, or comments, or just to let me know that you've used the book; I'd be delighted to hear from you.
— dln