CS252 (Algorithms)
Winter 2013, Carleton College

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Basic information:

Course Materials:

Week 0: intro to CS 252.
Week 1: review of asymptotics, algorithms, and problems (Chapters 1 and 2).
Week 2: proofs of correctness and graphs (Chapters 2 and 3).
Week 3: greedy algorithms (Chapter 4).
Week 4: greedy algorithms; dynamic programming (Chapters 4 and 6).
Week 5: dynamic programming (Chapter 6).
Week 6: dynamic programming; divide and conquer (Chapter 5).
Week 7: divide and conquer (Chapter 5).
Week 8: network flow (Chapter 7).
Week 9: exam 2, network flow, miscellanea (Chapter 7).
Week 10: wrapup.
Finals Period:
The final is self-scheduled.
Our finals slot is scheduled for 15 March 2013, 7:00–9:30p.