CS111 (Introduction to Computer Science)
Spring 2012, Carleton College

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Basic information:

Course Materials:

Week 1: course overview; intro to CS
The computer labs on the 3rd floor of the CMC are set up with Python for your use throughout the term. If you'd like to work elsewhere, you are welcome to install Python on your own computer. Using your own machine is perfectly welcome, but making it all work properly is entirely up to you. Instructions should be available shortly on the CS Department homepage, or you can go to python.org/download. We're using Python 2. (You should download the latest version of Python 2.x.x.)
Week 2: expressions, computation, and data
Week 3: functions, loops, lists
Week 4: prelim #1; loops, lists, functions
Week 5: data representation; objects and classes
Week 6: midterm break; nested loops
Week 7: prelim #2; using objects; image processing
Week 8: recursion, search, complexity
Week 9: searching and sorting; complexity
Week 10: prelim #3; wrapup
Finals Period:
Our finals slot is Saturday, 2 June, 8:30–11:00a. We will have a demo session for your final projects during this time slot. Come with a demo-able version of your project (in progress is fine!). The project itself is due on the last day of finals (Monday, 4 June) at 5:00p.