PS1 was handed out today. Part I is due
Wednesday. Part II (on Romeo and Juliet) is due Friday.
Unix Tutorial: Go to CMC 304 or 306. The machines in those
rooms all boot into both Windows and MacOS; you'll need MacOS. (If
you don't see a Mac login screen, you'll need to reboot into the Mac
side.) Log in, using your Carleton user name and password. Now go to
the following
which was originally written by Michael Stonebank of the University of
Surrey, and modified by Jeff Ondich to match the Carleton setup. Work
through Typographical Conventions, Introduction to the UNIX Operating
System, and Tutorials 1-4 of this Unix tutorial. There's nothing to
hand in, but please post questions/comments on the Moodle site or
bring questions to class.