Course Materials:
Week 1:
Tuesday: intro to networks; logistics.
- Reading: EK Chapter 1, §2.1; §3.1.
- Complete ps01 before class on Thursday.
Thursday: basic graph definitions, triangles and homophily, your movie data.
- Reading: EK §2.1, §2.4, and §4.1–4.2.
- Complete ps02 before class on Tuesday.
Week 2:
Tuesday: definition review; ps02 debrief; paths, connectivity, and a pop quiz.
- Reading: Leonhard Euler, Solutio Problematis ad Geometriam Situs Pertinentis, 1736. (Or the English translation below.)
- Complete ps03 before class on Thursday.
Thursday: Eulerian paths and the history of graph theory; Greg Marfleet on networks of states.
- Reading: EK, §5.1–5.4; Wikipedia entry on the seven bridges of Königsberg.
- Complete ps04 before class on Tuesday.
Week 3:
Tuesday: Eulerian paths wrapup; structural balance; storing and searching graphs.
- Reading: EK §2.3; notes on graph representation and search.
- More reading/reference: Greg Marfleet's Prezi from his class visit is available
- Complete ps05 before class on Thursday.
Thursday: Nathan Grawe on network externalities and cascades; diffusion of innovation; graph representations; BFS.
- Reading: EK §17.0–17.3.
- Complete ps06 before class on Tuesday.
Week 4:
Tuesday: lingering questions [exam coverage ends here]; directed graphs and connectivity.
- Reading: Vannevar Bush, As We May Think, Atlantic Monthly, July 1945.
- Complete ps07 for Tuesday.
- Thursday: Prelim #1
Week 5:
Tuesday: directed graphs; the web as a graph; the structure of the web.
You can feel good about your guessing ability here and watch a giant component forming here.
- Reading: EK Chapter 13 and §18.1–18.2.
- Complete ps08 before class on Thursday.
Thursday: structure of the web, midterm course evals, how the internet works.
- Reading: EK §18.3–18.6; Gina Kolata, The Myth, The Math, the Sex, The New York Times, 12 August 2007.
- Complete ps09 before class on Tuesday.
Week 6:
Tuesday: sexual contact networks; degree distributions; the "wisdom" of crowds.
- Reading: Review EK Chapter 18.
- Completely optional reading: the British study (Johnson et al, 2001) and the Swedish study (Liljeros, 2001) of sexual contacts. See also NATSAL 2010.
- Complete ps10 before class on Thursday.
Thursday: power laws, preferential attachment, and the wisdom of crowds.
- Reading: EK §16.1, §16.2, §16.6, §16.7, §22.0, §22.1, §22.4.
- More reading: Salganik/Dodds/Watts, "Experimental Study of Inequality and Unpredictability in an Artificial Culture Market", Science, 2006.
- Complete ps11 before class on Tuesday.
- video
Week 7:
Tuesday: the "wisdom" of crowds.
- Reading: notes on Dijkstra's algorithm (below); start EK Chapter 20.
- Complete ps12 before class on Thursday.
- The project proposal (announcement below) is due via email to DLN (plain text or PDF only) before class next Tuesday (11/5).
Thursday: weighted graphs, Dijkstra's algorithm, and the small-world phenomenon.
- Reading: EK Chapter 20.
- Reminder: project proposals are due Tuesday.
- Reminder #2: the second exam is scheduled for next Thursday.
Week 8:
Tuesday: the Beatles; review of the second half of the course, Minneapolis mayoral voting systems; and the small-world phenomenon.
- Prelim #2 is on Thursday.
- Reading: nothing new.
- Complete ps13 before class next Tuesday.
- Think about your projects!
- Thursday: Prelim #2
Week 9:
Tuesday: small worlds wrapup; power in networks; random walks.
- Reading: EK §3.2–3.5, §14.1–14.15; random walks handout below.
- Reminder: Our Thursday meeting will be start in Olin 149 for a joint session with Lauren Feiler's ECON 265.
- Our final exam will be in our regular classroom on Saturday, 11/23, 3:30–6:00p.
Thursday: joint meeting with ECON 265 (network exchange); random walks.
- Reading: EK §12.1–12.3; EK §14.1–14.5.
- Reminder: projects are due on Tuesday! No-penalty extension until 5:00p Wednesday.
Week 10:
Tuesday: random walk/PageRank wrapup; course evals/what's CS; physics / network routing; ask me anything.