Future Work

Features to add

Our community partners suggested adding more categories along with resources to our local resources section. Many resources that caregivers look for can be categorized as services – these include in-home care, transportation, grocery shopping, and personal care. Agencies were also another recommended category, including resources like the Senior Linkage Line and contact information for the county.

Subcategories were another recommendation. Our existing medical category could be categorized into specific subcategories, such as facilities and businesses that are related to medical resources and medical supplies. To assist in categorizing these, our caregivers community partners suggested implementing these subcategories in the local resources section. This would also keep a similar motif in our application to the news feed; we would maintain our main medical, legal, financial and personal categories but expand upon them in the resources section.

Our community partners also suggested creating a search feature within our local resources section. This would allow users to search for specific items they would like to purchase, specific help they need, or any general important keyword and the application would present any relevant resources.

We also think it is important to categorize our local resources and to-do items liek we did in the News Feed


During our project development, we received notification that Parse would be shutting down on January 28,2017. At this point, our current version of the application will cease to function. Therefore, we must migrate our backend to another server before then.

There is an ongoing open source project called Parse Server that will help migrate our project from Parse to another server. Linked are the GitHub repositories that will contain the information needed to migrate. There is also a recommended timeline on when to start migration for this is still an ongoing project. Since this is an incomplete project, migration prior to this date, the app will not function properly and my crash at times.

Recommended Timeline

  • April 28, 2016: Data migrated to a self-hosted MongoDB
  • July 28, 2016: Finish setting up your self-hosted Parse Server and release a new app pointing to it

So far our team has accomplished the following:

  • Exported our data from Parse in a zip file
  • Set up an account on mongoLab and migrated our parse databases to Mongo DB
  • Created admin user for database to log in to from Shell
  • Verified that we have a Parse Server that is connected our data in MongoDB running locally on our comps machine
  • Copied our cloud code into our Parse Server repository.

We were unable to continue further with the migration because Parse Server does not support any relational querying yet, which our views and filtering function depend on. We hope our current code will not require further editing in order to the updates Parse Server releases in the future.

Instructions for migrating:

https://github.com/ParsePlatform/parse-server/wiki/Parse-Server-Guide LINKLINKLINK


Clone Parse Server from here:
