Check out PAL online at!
The goal of our comps was to develop a system that could translate English language queries into formal requests to a web service, local service, or other database. The goal was also to put in place an architecture that would allow for the creation of separate modules for different types of queries.
The end result of our project is a web application called PAL, designed to be a general purpose natural language assistant that can meet a user's daily needs. Our website at provides a voice and text interface to query PAL. We also developed a native iPhone app that can be used to access PAL. Requests initiated by the web or iPhone client are sent to the PAL server, whose modular architecture
makes PAL readily extensible. Right now PAL can handle questions /
commands related to Bon Appetit dining service, word definitions or
synonyms, pizza, Facebook posts, movies, translations, weather, math,
and nearby shops or locations.
For a comprehensive list of PAL's services, see our
PAL's source code is freely available on GitHub
under the New BSD License.
Feel free to send us a pull request with improvements!