Evan Leibowitz (left) likes Linguistics or something. He once ate an entire school bus, only taking breaks to furiously code in PHP. He enjoys dancing, and he worked in Burton Dining Hall as a freshman.
Jason Cohn (center left) is full-blown dragon. His hobbies include slaying demons and drinking the blood of children. If you bring a human sacrifice, he will challenge it to a game of constables & rogues.
Eli Kamin (center) is perfecting his Dave Musicant impression. He has no known weaknesses, and is in peak physical condition. He also likes table tennis.
Daoji Huang (center right) was forged in the fires of Mt. Doom. Only there can she be un-made. She enjoys math textbooks and hopes one day to write her own. She is Justin Bieber, actually.
Laurel Orr (right) is a human encyclopedia of Slovak Poets. She also has an affinity for cats. It is her dream to one day index every cat in existence.
Steve the Cricket (not pictured) is inspired by the lucky cricket in Mulan. His dream is to create a Match.com for crickets where crickets are matched based on chirp similarity.