This document provides installation and usage instructions. Core System reqs --- PostgreSQL 8.4+ Python 2.7 Suds Twisted Web python library psychopg 2 To configure the IPA Core, open the Utilities/ file, and enter the correct settings for your PostgreSQL database. You'll also choose ports for telnet and HTTP access, which are 5001 and 5002 by default, respectively. In this file, you'll also enter an address and password for a Gmail account that can be used to send emails and text messages. For flight tracking functionality, you'll need to get a username and API key from For Wolfram|Alpha functionality, you'll need to get an "AppID" from Wolfram. To start the IPA Core, make sure these ports are not in use, and then type python -m NewsAgent.NewsAgent from the top level of the IPA code. Note that the python installation must include SSL support. Interface system reqs --- Flask Extending IPA --- Tutorials and sample code for extending the IPA Core are available in the doc/tutorials folder.