Week 6: Leaders and Tables.  

Week 6

This week please read pgs. 221–226 at →, pg 231–249, this week you should read the double dangerous curve section in addition to the normal sections.

Key Concepts:
• What is the difference between and \hrule and \vrule.
• Ways to make boxes and how they are different.
.• What \leaders are used for.
• When to use \leaders, \cleaders, and \xleaders.
• When to use a rule and when to use a bow for \leaders.
• How to make upbraces, downbraces, and arrows.
• How to align text in tables .(this is probably the most important thing for this week. Pay special attention to pages 246 and 247.)

Exercise 1 (Exercises from the Reading)
• Chapter 21: 21.2, 21.3, 21.4, 21.6, 21.8, and 21.9
• Chapter 22: 22.1, 22.2, 22.4, 22.5, 22.6, 22.7, 22.11, 22.12, and 22.14

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