Arrays and Random Numbers  

Week 3


For this week please read the rest of Chapters 4 and 5 in Overland. Some of it will be review, so fee free to skim those sections, but be mindful that there is also a lot of new information introduced.

Key Concepts:

This week is in a sense a continuation of last week in that you will cover more on functions, but it also introduces random number generation in C++. By the end of it you should know:

  • How to declare and use recursive functions in C++.
  • The basics of random numbers in C++.
  • How strings are stored in C++.
  • Syntax of multidimensional arrays in C++.

Exercises from Reading:

All the exercises from the reading except 4.3.3.

Cryptology Program:

Write a program called cipher_functions2.cpp that builds on the cipher_functions.cpp program from last week by adding 4 new functions. Three of the functions should be to implement the additive, multiplicative, and affine ciphers, but the encoding should be done using a random key unknown to the user. I would suggest doing this by adding an extra parameter to the functions from last week that corresponds to the range of possible random values, generating a random number inside the new function, and then (still inside the new function) passing all the necessary information (including the random key) to the original function.

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