Viewer User’s Guide usage: java viewer.Viewer [options] options: -window start the viewer in a window instead of fullscreen The default key bindings are: move forward W move backward S move right D move left A look up UP look down DOWN look right RIGHT look left LEFT You can also click and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse to look. To take a screenshot press F12. To bring down the console press ~. To bring up the options press ESC. You can change key bindings as well as set movement sensitivity, screen resolution, and toggle fullscreen within the options. All commands in basece/autoexec are executed when the program starts To quit: Press ESC to bring up the options. Under the "General" Tab, click "Quit". Console commands: /cg_fov num set field of vision to num degrees /resolution width height set the resolution of the window to be width x height /fullscreen on/off set fullscreen on/off /sensitivity num set the movement sensitivity to num /freemove on/off set movement to by unconstrained or have a fixed z position /cam [x y z l1 l2] set the camera position to be (x, y, z) looking l1 degrees from the x-axis (0-360) in the XY-plane and l2 degrees from the x-axis (-85-85) in the Z-plane /bind key cmd bind key to cmd /spawn return to the start point /lights on/off turn lights on/off /ambient red green blue alpha set lights ambient values to specified floats (between 1 and 0) /diffuse red green blue alpha set lights diffuse values to specified floats (between 1 and 0) /textures on/off turn textures on/off /map model load model /quit quit