CS 201: Data Structures (Winter 2018)

HW00: Getting started

Due: Friday, 01/05 at 22:00

1. Initial survey form

Fill out Survey 0 on Moodle. Thanks!

What to turn in: Make sure you submit your responses to the above form.

2. Anonymous feedback form

Find the anonymous feedback form on the course Moodle page (in the very top section). Answer the following question: What reputation, if any, does CS 201 have?

What to turn in: I obviously cannot track who did this one, but please do it!

3. Read the syllabus

Please read over the syllabus. If you have questions, please ask on the Moodle Discussion Forum (see below).

What to turn in: In the submission box on Moodle for this assignment, say something like "I have read and agreed to the syllabus."

4. Logging into a department computer

Stop by CMC 306, 304, or 102 to verify that we have correctly set up an account for you on the department Macs. Our setup in the CS department is a little different than elsewhere on campus, so even if you've logged into other machines elsewhere on campus, double check and make sure you can log into our department machines. If you have any problems, see our department system administrator Mike Tie in CMC 305 who will be happy to get you going.

What to turn in: In the submission box on Moodle for this assignment, tell me that you've been successful by saying something like "I have successfully logged into a department lab computer."

5. Setting up your own computer

If you wish to be using your own computer for some of the assignments, you'll need to set it up. There are two choices: you can install Java to run natively on your own operating system, or you can install a Linux virtual machine with all of the software installed. There are links on the course home page that point to directions for either option. If you want to do this, get one of these working, and ask for help if you need it. Mike Tie in CMC 305 is great at helping people figure out installation challenges.

What to turn in: In the submission box on Moodle for this assignment, tell me either "I have successfully gotten Java installed on my computer" or "I do not intend to use a personally owned computer for any work for this class."

6. Moodle Discussion Forum

If you've got a question about an assignment or content in the class, send it to the Discussion Forum on Moodle. You should feel free to answer questions as you can to help other people; it's lots of fun. I will also try to answer lingering questions if no one else can help.

All questions about course content, assignments, and so on should go to the Forum. If you email me directly, I'll gently ask you to post to the Forum instead. Of course, you can always talk to me in person during office hours, and any communication of a personal nature (missing class, etc.) is welcome by email as well.

What to turn in: I started a discussion topic called "Introductions." Go reply to it.