CS 201: Data Structures (Winter 2017)

Lab04: Construct expression trees

1. Goals

To practice creating and manipulating trees in Java.

2. Introduction

Today you'll be working with expression trees: trees for representing a mathematical expression. Here's an example:

  / \   
 /   \  
 *   2   
/ \     
3 5

This tree represents the expression (3*5)+2. We talked earlier in the term about using postfix notation so that you don't have to know about order of operations or parentheses to interpret mathematical expressions. In postfix notation, the operator (+, -, *, /) comes after the things it operates on (operands). In this case, the postfix notation would be 3 5 * 2 +. You'll implement an algorithm for transforming a postfix expression into an expression tree. To make sure you're prepared to code, draw a tree that represents the postfix expression 4 3 + 5 2 * -.

After you've drawn the tree on paper, click here to compare my response to yours:

3. Creating a tree from postfix notation

Download the file for this lab: ExpressionTree.java. It has quite a bit of code already there, and you only need to look at parts of it:

The bulk of this lab is implementing an algorithm for constructing an expression tree from postfix notation. The basic idea of this algorithm is that it first turns a space-separated String into a list, where each item in the list is either an operator or a number. It then processes the list from right to left (so the current thing it's processing is always the last thing in the list). If the last thing in the list is an operator, then it will have two children: the item to its immediate left is its right child. If the last thing in the list is a number, then it has no children. You're welcome to think for a few minutes and try to come up with the details of the algorithm. If you are stuck, see the link below for my algorithm.

Before implementing the algorithm (either the one I gave you below or the one you and your partner have come up with), trace through it on paper with the expression 3 5 * 2 + (this is the postfix notation represented by the tree above).

Once you understand the parsing algorithm and feel confident in its correctness, implement it in your expression tree class. Try running the class to see what main prints for your trees.

Click here to see my algorithm:

4. Extension: Evaluating an expression tree

If you have extra time, you can try evaluating an expression tree. Evaluating the tree means calculating the value of the expression it represents. For example, for the tree at the top of the lab, the value is 17. Brainstorm with your partner how to evaluate an expression tree. You'll likely want to use recursion.

Once you have an idea for how to evaluate, test your idea on paper by walking through what it would do with a small expression tree. Once you're satisfied that it seems to work, try implementing it!

This lab modified from one designed by Anna Rafferty.