CS 201: Data Structures (Spring 2017)

HW08: Queue recursor

Due: Wednesday, 05/10 at 22:00

1. Goals

To implement a recursion-based structure (and take a break from larger projects).

2. Setup

This is a solo programming assignment. You can share ideas and thoughts with other people in the class, but the code that you submit should be your own. You are also welcome to talk to me, the prefect, or the CS lab assistants for help.

Please remember that you should not be searching the internet for code: you might look up some small point of syntax, and javadocs are always fine to read. However, it is a violation of this course's academic honesty policy to seek out larger code examples, even if you do not copy those examples directly. You should also not look at your classmates' code. If you use code from the book, you should cite your source; you should not directly copy code out of the book, although you are welcome to look at it, and then try to produce the code yourself. You are welcome to look back at worksheets and notes from class, and to cite them in your code as well.

Download Queue.java.

3. Specification

Implement a queue of Strings recursively. Specifically, create a class called RecursiveQueue that implements the queue interface Queue.java.

Your queue must be implemented as a recursive data structure. The idea is that a queue can be thought of as a data structure containing a front element, a middle queue, and a back element. For example, if I added aardvark, be, cause, delta, and epsilon to the queue (in that order), the queue's front would be aardvark (first item added), back would be epsilon (last item added), and middle would be a queue containing be, cause, and delta (the remaining items, in the same order).

4. Code notes

5. Submission and grading

Submit to Moodle RecursiveQueue.java. There is no need to zip this time, yay!

Assignment requirements

This is a partial list of the things that we'll be looking for when evaluating your work (in addition to style):


Start early, have fun, and discuss questions on Moodle.