MAT 223: Multivariable Calculus

Spring 2020

Exam 4 information

1. Notes

You are permitted one 3"×5" notecard for use as reference during the exam.

Calculators are not allowed on exams.

You may only use other electronic devices (computer, smart phone) to the extent of following exam logistics (below).

2. How to study

Please see tips from first exam.

Practicing by solving problems is much more effective than reading over solutions. There are plenty of review questions in the textbook. Going over homework and correcting mistakes is also a good idea.

3. Exam content

The exam covers everything we have done, up to and including Chapter 13, except for sections skipped. (Chapter 14 will be on the next exam.) While the exam is cumulative, we will focus on what was not already tested. As mentioned in the syllabus, we do not have time to cover every single topic in class. You are responsible for the material in the sections even if they were not discussed in class. If we didn't talk about something and no exercise problems for a specific concept was ever assigned as homework, it is unlikely it will occur on an exam. Here are some topics we emphasized since the last exam:

As usual, please note that this document is not a contract. I may have inadvertently left something off that ends up on an exam question. Moreover, I will not be able to test all of this material given the time limitations of the exam. I will have to pick and choose some subset of it.

4. Logistics

Logistics will be identical to Exam 3; review it if you don't remember the procedure.