COS 100: Introduction to Programming

Interim 2022

HW Project 07: Encryption

Due: 01/20 Thu 10pm

Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight.
Exodus 33:13a
If you are pair programming, do NOT start coding without your partner. You should read the assignment first, feel free to think about it, but do not actually start coding. Also, please read pair programming guidelines before your first meeting.

Project goal

Encrypt a message (string) by using the Caesar cipher.

Background information

Project specification

Notes and hints

Suggested order of development

Sample runs

  1. Secret key: 23
    Text to shift: Methinks 23 is a great number! *^_^*
    Shifted message is: Jbqefkhp 23 fp x dobxq krjybo! *^_^*
  2. Secret key: -23
    Text to shift: Jbqefkhp 23 fp x dobxq krjybo! *^_^*
    Shifted message is: Methinks 23 is a great number! *^_^*


Optional challenge

Start early, have fun, and discuss questions on Moodle.