CS208 Introduction to Computer Systems Monday, 26 February 2024 + Questions? + Understanding tech stuff - How to do X? - Why is X the way it is? - What if Y were different? How would X change? - Completing homework is good, but... - ...why was this particular homework assigned? what lessons can I learn from this assignment? (e.g., how does assembly language accomplish C function-calling? what implications does this have for security, efficiency, recursion, etc.?) - Does this have implications for people? Like what? - ... - (Hard to do when you're super-busy. Why are we so busy?) + Streams vs. files - open/close/read/write (and sometimes seek) - FILE (bad name; should be "STREAM") fopen, fclose set up a data structure to keep track of how far we have read so far, or written so far, ... fread, fgets, fgetc fwrite, fputs, fputc - files open, close, read, write, seek + "File descriptor" table + files.c + redirect.c