CS208 Introduction to Computer Systems Friday, 5 January 2024 + Reading the textbook + Questions - What's going on with Makefile? - Other? + How I get started on an assignment like select-column - Tiny steps, testing as I go - ... + character_counter.c - how do you open a file? close a file? - how do you read one char from a file? - how can you tell if you have come to the end of the file? - how can you tell if you have come to the end of a line? - what other errors can happen, and what should you do about them? + output.c - DIS Section 2.8 - read it and perform the experiments in the comment at the top - what are stdout and stderr? - what does > do? - what does 2> do? - what does &> do? + strings.c - For each "Game N", write down the lessons about null-terminated char strings that the Game is trying to teach