Escape from the Zoo: A Reverse Engineering Adventure

This assignment is an adaptation of Aaron Bauer's adaptation of this lab developed for the Carnegie Mellon University's 15-213 (Introduction to Computer Systems) course, which is the course for which our textbook was written. Preparing the current version of this assignment has involved an immensely entertaining collaboration with Tanya Amert.



Scoring on this one is a little complicated, and this rubric won't make a lot of sense until you read the rest of the assignment.

Maximum score: 18 + ε points

2 - open door 1 2 - open door 2 2 - open door 3 2 - open door 4 2 - open door 5 2 - open door 6 2 - explanation for any of the 6 door puzzles ε - identify the source of the quote that you find while opening one of your doors

That is, there are 12 points for opening doors, and 12 points available for explaining the door puzzles, but your maximum score is 18. Want to try to open all six doors and all write all the explanations? Go wild. But I’ll cap your score at 18 anyway.

Good explanations will be succinct paragraphs describing, at a high level of abstraction, what the door puzzle is computing with your input.

If you are unable to open a door, your explanation of that door is unlikely to be clear or persuasive.

The upshot of this weird scoring system is that there are several ways to try to get the full 18 points. For example, you could open doors #1-#5 and explain four of those puzzles. Or, you could open all six doors and explain just three.

(By the way, by "ε"—i.e., the Greek lowercase epsilon—I mean what mathematicians doing real analysis mean. That is, an arbitrary but typically extremely small positive number. In this context, ε means that you'll get my admiration but no points for identifying the source of the quote.)

Although the doors get progressively harder to open, the expertise you gain as you move from door to door should offset this difficulty. However, the later doors will likely take quite a bit of time to work through, so don’t wait until the last minute to start.


You wake up and find yourself in a strange place. Walking around, you see signs indicating that you’re in a moose enclosure, in what appears to be a zoo. But there’s no moose!

The only way out is through a door with a touchscreen on it. But how did the moose get out without fingers to activate the screen? Looking around more, you find some suspiciously-nibbled trees. Was there a beaver here, too?

This is either a really bad day, or the weirdest dream you’ve had in a while. Either way, the only way out is through that door.

You approach the screen…

It would appear that the beaver and the moose are in cahoots and on the loose. They’ve trapped you in their former enclosure. To keep you trapped, they have rigged a series of six locked doors, each of which requires a password to open.

To escape your zoo enclosure, you’ll need to make it through these six doors. Each door is part of one big program, and each door is opened by entering a line of text that we'll call a passcode. If you type the correct passcode, then the door opens and you may move on to the next door. Otherwise, the doors all lock, their terminal screens display a taunting message, the alarms sound, and you’re back at square one. You can fully escape the zoo only by opening every door.

Step 1: Access the door-control system

You can access the zoo's security terminal (i.e., obtain your program to open the doors) by filling out the form at

You will need to be on campus or connected to the Carleton VPN to access this page. Once you have filled out and submitted the form, the server will build your executable and return it to your browser in a file named zooN.tar, where N is the unique ID of your zoo enclosure. (Note: your zoo program will be different from every other student's zoo program, though they will have similar structures.)

Upload zooN.tar to your account on mantis using whatever file transfer technique you prefer. This could be drag-and-drop onto VS Code when you’re logged into mantis. As a dedicated command-line user, I often use scp ("secure copy"), like so:

scp zooN.tar

where wherever is the path to whatever directory you want to store the file in. On Windows, I personally always set up WSL where scp is installed, but if you’re not so inclined, Powershell works very well, or applications like WinSCP are still chugging along since the 90s.

Put zooN.tar wherever you want to work with it, and then un-tar it in the usual way:

tar xvf zooN.tar (x: extract, v: verbose, f: filename)

This will create a directory called zooN with the following files:

If for some reason you request multiple zoo programs from the web form, this is not a problem. Choose one to work on and delete the rest.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For many of you, the zoo and zoo-quiet files will not be marked as executable in their Unix permissions. This will prevent gdb from being able to run or debug them. To fix this problem, cd into your zoo directory and execute this command:

chmod +x zoo zoo-quiet

Step 2: The great escape!

Your job for this assignment is to escape the zoo. What this means in practice is that you will accumulate a sequence of input strings, one per door, that open each door.

For each string you discover, put it in your passcodes.txt file. If you open all six doors, passcodes.txt should have six non-blank lines (note that the zoo program ignores blank lines, so you may space out your passcode strings if you wish.)

You can use many tools to help you unlock all the doors. See the Suggestions section below for details.

Step 3: Write your descriptions

See the Rubric section above for a description of descriptions. As noted there, you're looking for a short description of "what is this code doing".

Put your descriptions in descriptions.txt.

Step 4: Submit your work

Suggestions and hints

Tools you can use

There are many tools designed to help you figure out how programs work and what is wrong when they don't work. Here are some tools you may find useful while analyzing your door puzzles.

Have fun and good luck!