CS208 Introduction to Computer Systems Monday, 20 Feb 2023 ls | wc ls -l | wc -l ls > out.txt ls -l > out2.txt cat file.txt | grep moose cat file.txt | cat | cat | grep moose + Want help? - Source code, not screenshots - Relevant line numbers - Brief replication instructions: - what is the bad thing? - how to make the bad thing happen? + Next assignment - Posted tomorrow - Due next Monday - Buffer overflow attacks - Wednesday class: function-calling in asm, stack maintenance, etc. + Questions + Zombies - malloc/free, open/close, connect/disconnect... - fork/wait + Multi-processing causes trouble - command_a | command_b what's going on here? - the scheduler there's a hardware clock (vibrating crystal) that ticks periodically and tells the CPU to run the scheduler -- "preemptive multi-processing" some function calls invoke the scheduler indirectly read, write, wait,... - guarantees (and the lack thereof) - samples: race.c, - Benefits worth it?