#include program sort( input, output ); type IntArray = array[1..1000] of integer; var numbers : IntArray; N : integer; { PrintList prints the first n items of the given array on a line. It is handy for debugging the sorting routines, but you won't want to use it when dealing with very large arrays. Why do I make "list" a variable parameter? I don't want to change the original, after all. The reason is that I also don't want to make a copy of a 40000-byte array every time I call PrintList(). That would be an unnecessary waste of memory. } procedure PrintList( var list : IntArray; n : integer ); var i : integer; begin for i := 1 to n do write( list[i]:4 ); writeln end; { Merge merges two adjacent portions of a given array. Preconditions: (1) a[bottom],...,a[middle] are in increasing order (2) a[middle+1],...,a[top] are in increasing order (3) top > middle and middle >= bottom Postconditions: (1) a[bottom],...,a[top] compose the same set of numbers as before, but now in increasing order (2) The rest of the array a[] is unchanged } procedure Merge( var a : IntArray; bottom, middle, top : integer ); var temp : IntArray; i, j, k : integer; begin i := bottom; j := middle + 1; k := 0; { While both lists still have items in them, merge those items into the temporary array temp[] } while (i <= middle) and (j <= top) do begin k := k + 1; if a[i] < a[j] then begin temp[k] := a[i]; i := i + 1 end else begin temp[k] := a[j]; j := j + 1 end end; { Once one of the lists has been exhausted, dump the other list into the remainder of temp[] } if i > middle then begin while j <= top do begin k := k + 1; temp[k] := a[j]; j := j + 1 end end else begin while i <= middle do begin k := k + 1; temp[k] := a[i]; i := i + 1 end end; { Copy temp[] into the proper portion of a[] } for i := bottom to top do a[i] := temp[i-bottom+1] end; { MergeSort sorts the items a[bottom],...,a[top] into increasing order. Thus, a call of MergeSort( myArray, 1, N ) will sort the entire N-element array "myArray". Note that the recursion is stopped by the fact that MergeSort does nothing with 1-element lists. } procedure MergeSort( var a : IntArray; bottom, top : integer ); var middle : integer; begin if bottom < top then begin middle := (bottom + top) div 2; MergeSort( a, bottom, middle ); MergeSort( a, middle + 1, top ); Merge( a, bottom, middle, top ) end end; { Shuffle generates a pseudo-random permutation of N integers. See p. 139 of "Seminumerical Algorithms, 2nd edition," by Donald Knuth, for more details. } procedure Shuffle( var list : IntArray; N : integer ); var i, j, temp: integer; begin for i := 1 to N do list[i] := i; for i := N downto 2 do begin j := (random mod i) + 1; temp := list[j]; list[j] := list[i]; list[i] := temp end end; begin {main program} { This main program serves as a testing program for sorting routines. } { Initialize the random number generator. } srandom(gettime); { Get N from user, and generate a random permutation of 1,2,...,N.} write( 'How many numbers do you wish to sort? ' ); readln( N ); Shuffle( numbers, N ); { Print the unsorted list. } PrintList( numbers, N ); { Sort the list, and print the results. } MergeSort( numbers, 1, N ); PrintList( numbers, N ) end.