Getting Started

Table of Contents

Submit initial survey form

Fill out this introductory survey. Thanks!

What to turn in: Make sure you submit your responses to the above form.

Log into a department computer

Stop by CMC 102, 304, or 306 to verify that we've correctly set up an account for you on the department Macs. You should do this even if you intend to use your own computer, because there may still be times during the term that you need to use a lab machine. Our setup in the CS department is a little different than elsewhere on campus, so even if you've logged into other machines elsewhere on campus, double check and make sure you can log into our department machines. If you have any problems, see our department system administrator Mike Tie in CMC 305 who will be happy to get you going.

What to turn in: In the submission box in Moodle for this assignment, tell me that you've successfully logged in by saying something like "I have successfully logged into a department lab computer."

Decide whether to set up your own computer

If you wish to be using your own computer for some of the assignments, you'll need to set it up. This is optional: you are always welcome to work in CMC 304/306/102, where there are also CS lab assistants to help. If you choose to work on your own computer, you have several options.

  • Option #1 is to install the CS Virtual Machine on your computer. This uses a program called VirtualBox to install a complete virtual computer with everything already installed that runs on your own computer. The main advantage of this approach is that everything you need for the term comes installed in one shot. The main disadvantage of this approach is that you'll be working in a virtual machine, which means that you'll see a different desktop superimposed over your normal one. For example, here's a screenshot of a Windows 10 computer running a Windows XP virtual machine.
  • Option #2 is to install x2go on your computer. This is very similar to Option #1, in that you'll also get everything you need installed at once, and also in that the experience will feel as though you're running a computer within your computer. The difference from Option #1 is that the virtual machine will be running remotely on one of our department servers, and will be viewed over the network, instead of being run directly on your computer. This takes up dramatically less disk space on your computer, and also requires significantly less processing power by your computer. The disadvantage of this approach relative to Option #1 is that you must be network connected all the time in order for it to work, and if the network gets slow for some reason, you won't be able to do much.
  • Option #3 is to install Python directly on your computer, and then to install the Brackets text editor. The main advantage of this approach is that you'll be working directly on your computer as you're used to doing. The main disadvantage of this approach is that it can be cumbersome to make the install work, especially under Windows. During the term we may be using some additional Python libraries that might be challenging to install this way.

So how do you choose?

  • If you don't mind playing around a bit configuring your computer, give Option #3 a shot. But be prepared to have to install more on your computer later during the term, and possibly to jump to lab machines or one of the other approaches if you run into trouble.
  • If you'd rather have a single solution that we've already made work, go with Option #1 or #2. Between them, choose Option #1 if you want to be able to work when you're disconnected from the network, and if your computer is reasonably fast, has lots of memory, and has lots of disk space. Otherwise, choose option #2.

If you have any trouble, see our department system administrator Mike Tie in CMC 305 who will be happy to help get you going.

And again, remember that you are most welcome to do all of the work for the term in our labs.

What to turn in: In the submission box for Moodle for this assignment, tell me either "I have successfully gotten Option #… [tell me which one] installed on my computer," or "I intend to use lab machines for the assignments, at least for the time being."


We'll be using the website CodeStepByStep for doing a number of intial Python exercises. Sign up for an account by visiting the sign up page and filling out the form that's there. Make sure that "Carleton College" is selected as your school. After you've done that, go to the courses page and select this course (CS 111, s18-03) as the course that you're enrolled for.

What to turn in: In the submission box in Moodle for this assignment, say something like "I have successfully created an account in CodeStepByStep." Of course, if you're having trouble with this, ask for help.

Author: Dave Musicant

Emacs 24.5.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
