This is an individual (not a team) assignment.

Complete the following problems. You should turn in a PDF containing a carefully described solution and explaining your answer. Formatting relational algebra in LaTeX or other tools is likely time consuming if you're not used to it. You may turn in a handwritten assignment if you wish, but it should be exceedingly neat and clear. In that case, you'll have to clearly scan your work so that you can submit it electronically. The graders will take off points for hard to read handwriting or poor organization.

This homework will be graded anonymously via Moodle's anonymous marking feature, so do not include your name anywhere in your submission.

Collaboration policy: As with all non-programming assignments in this course, you may collaborate on the homework assignments to the extent of formulating ideas as a group, but you may not collaborate in the actual writing of solutions. In particular, you may not work from notes taken during collaborative sessions. You must cite all sources, including others in the class from whom you obtained ideas. You may not consult any materials from any previous offerings of this course or from any other similar course offered elsewhere. You are required to completely understand any solution that you submit, and, in case of any doubt, you must be prepared to orally explain your solution to me. If you have submitted a solution that you cannot verbally explain to me, then you have violated this policy.

1. Consider a relation R with five attributes ABCDE. You are given the following dependencies: A -> B, BC -> E, and ED -> A.

2. Suppose that you are given a relation R with four attributes ABCD. For the functional dependencies in parts (a) and (b) below...

(a) C -> D, C -> A, B -> C

(b) B -> C, D -> A