CS 324: Warmup


We'll be using Piazza, which is a site for managing student questions and answers within a course. I've been using Piazza regularly in my courses, and student feedback has been extremely positive. If you've got a question about an assignment or content in the class, send it to the course Piazza site; it has a really cool wiki-like system for allowing students (and me) to answer questions. I've been using it regularly, and it's really awesome.

We're trying something new this term (hopefully this works) where Carleton has automatically integrated your Moodle account with Piazza, so you don't have to create a separate login. There's a link to Piazza on our Moodle coursepage. Click it, and follow it to Piazza. You might have to search for our course, which is called "CS 324". Once you get to the course site, you'll see a question I've posed, for which I'd like you to contribute towards the answer.

All questions about course content, assignments, and so on should to go Piazza. If you email me directly, I'll gently ask you to post it to Piazza instead. Of course, you can always talk to me in person during office hours, and any communication of a personal nature (grades, etc) is welcome by email as well.

Working in pairs

I would highly encourage you to work in pairs for our programming assignments. You may choose your own partner to work with if you like. If you would rather me assign one for you, I'd be happy to do that as well. Respond to this form and let me know what your preference is. You may work alone if you like, though I'd very much encourage you to work in pairs.

Department newsletter

The Carleton Sentinel is our departmental newsletter. It contains news about employers coming to campus, departmental events, and whatever else we think may be relevant. If you're not a subscriber, please subscribe! Visit the the email list home page, click Subscribe, and enter your email address.