Getting Started

Write to me

This is your chance to introduce yourself! Submit a response via Moodle in the text box on the Moodle page for this assignment (look down) and tell me about yourself. Specifically, tell me:

I will be assigning students to work in pairs throughout the term: this is an awesome opportunity to get to know other people in the class as well as get experience in working with different people. Plus, it's fun. If you really want to work alone, however, let me know in this submission and I won't assign you a partner.


We'll be using Piazza, which is a site for managing student questions and answers within a course. I've been using Piazza regularly in my courses, and student feedback has been extremely positive. If you've got a question about an assignment or content in the class, send it to the course Piazza site; it has a really cool wiki-like system for allowing students (and me) to answer questions. I'm hoping it will be a lot of fun!

We're trying something new this term (hopefully this works) where Carleton has automatically integrated your Moodle account with Piazza, so you don't have to create a separate login. There's a link to Piazza on our Moodle coursepage near the top. Click it, and follow it to Piazza. Hopefully all goes well, and let me know if you have any problems getting into Piazza. Once you get to the course site, you'll see a question I've posed, for which I'd like you to contribute towards the answer.

All questions about course content, assignments, and so on should to go Piazza. If you email me directly, I'll gently ask you to post it to Piazza instead. Of course, you can always talk to me in person during office hours, and any communication of a personal nature (grades, etc) is welcome by email as well.

Department newsletter

The Carleton Sentinel is our departmental email newsletter. It contains news about job opportunities in computer science, courses you may want to take, departmental events, and whatever else we think may be relevant. If you're not a subscriber, please subscribe! It's a great way to see how many opportunities are offered to computer science students. Visit the the email list home page, click Subscribe, and enter your email address.

Logging into a department computer

Stop by CMC 306 or CMC 304 to verify that we've correctly set up an account for you on the department Macs. Our setup in the CS department is a little different than elsewhere on campus, so even if you've logged into other machines elsewhere on campus, double check and make sure you can log into our department machines. If you have any problems, see our department system administrator Mike Tie in CMC 305 who will be happy to get you going.