Getting to know UNIX

Go to one of the CS labs (CMC 304 and CMC 306 are the two we use most often in CS classes) and choose a computer. All of the CS computers are set up to allow you to boot into either Windows or MacOS. For this class, you will be using MacOS. If the computer you choose is showing a Mac login screen, go ahead and log in using your usual Carleton user name and password. Otherwise, restart the computer and choose Mac when you're given a choice.

Once you have logged in to your Mac account, work through Typographical Conventions, Introduction to the UNIX Operating System, and Tutorials 1-4 of this Unix tutorial. This tutorial was originally written at the University of Surrey (note the British spellings of "behaviour" and "customise," for example), and has been lightly edited to match what we do at Carleton.

Once you have completed the lab, submit via Moodle the file list1 that you created in Tutorial #3.

Here's one minor difference between our Macs and the UNIX tutorial, that you should keep in mind. On our Macs, right before you start typing, you'll see a $ as a prompt. For example, working in my CS 111 folder, here's what I see:

skittles:~ dmusican$

In the tutorial, they show a % as a prompt, not a $. Different variations of UNIX use different prompts. At any rate, they key point is that in the tutorial, when you see a % at the beginning of a line, don't actually type it in yourself. Just type the text that comes after it.

Bring questions to class.