
This is an individual assignment.

Write and test the following two recursive functions:

  1. max(numberlist) should take a list of numbers as a parameter, and return the largest. Hint: the largest in the entire list is the larger of the first item and the max of all the other items.
  2. palindrome(word) should return True or False, depending on whether or not the word is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word that reads the same forward or backwards, such as "racecar". You may assume that the word contains only letters, all in lower case, with no spaces or punctuation. You should NOT do this assignment by reversing the string and testing if the reversed string and the original are the same. Hint: check if the first and last letters are the same, then see if what is left is a palindrome.

Your code must contain no loops at all. (No for or while loops allowed.)

Have fun!