David Liben-Nowell
I'm a professor in
the Department of
Computer Science at Carleton College.
In September 2022, I joined the Provost's Office at Carleton, for a few-year stint as an Associate Provost.
My interests are focused on computational social
sciences, particularly the structure and evolution of social networks
and computational modeling of spoken-word recognition. I'm also
generally interested in the application of theoretical computer
science to problems in a variety of other areas, within and beyond
computer science; I've worked on problems in computational biology,
complexity of games, and peer-to-peer systems.
Other interests, just because:
Adam Gopnik,
Churchill College,
Cornell hockey,
Cornell hockey,
crossword puzzles (solving and writing),
Eddie From Ohio,
The Girl Who Never Read Noam Chomsky,
Harry Chapin,
Kris Delmhorst,
the Magnetic Fields,
learning Yiddish,
making lists,
Quite Interesting,
(see also
someone who's learned a few of my tricks),
Richard Russo,
road biking,
Says You!,
web pages that look like they were built in 1996.
A textbook: Connecting Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science
I've written a textbook for computer science students learning discrete math.
A revised edition was published in 2022. You can find an electronic pre-publication version of the text at the above link, freely available for personal use. I'd be delighted by comments, corrections, and suggestions.
Fall 2025 Teaching:
- History of Computing in England (off-campus studies program)
CS 301 History of Computing; CS 341 Cryptography; IDSC 141 Turing, Gender & Computing; HIST 145 World War II History.
- Previous offerings of the program ran in Summer 2019 and Summer 2022.
- The Fall 2025 program will run from September through November 2025.
- Interested in a future iteration? I'd love to chat!
Previous courses.
- Recent papers:
- Ben Aoki-Sherwood, Catherine Bregou, David Liben-Nowell, Kiran Tomlinson, Thomas Zeng. Bounding Consideration Probabilities in Consider-Then-Choose Ranking Models. AAMAS'24 (extended abstract), May 2024.
- Anna N. Rafferty, David Liben-Nowell, David R. Musicant, Emy Farley, Allie Lyman, Ann May. Playing with Matches: Adopting Gale–Shapley for Managing Student Enrollments Beyond CS2. SIGCSE'24, March 2024.
- David Liben-Nowell, Anna N. Rafferty. Student Motivations and Goals for CS1: Themes and Variations. SIGCSE'22, March 2022.
- Patty Commins, David Liben-Nowell, Tina Liu, Kiran Tomlinson. Summarizing Diverging String Sequences, with Applications to Chain-Letter Petitions. Combinatorial Pattern Matching 2020 (CPM'20) June 2020.
David Liben-Nowell, Julia Strand, Alexa Sharp, Tom Wexler, Kevin Woods.
The Danger of Testing by Selecting Controlled Subsets, with Applications to Spoken-Word Recognition.
Journal of Cognition, January 2019.
- Complete list of publications by topic or by year.
Letters of Recommendation:
If you'd like me to write a letter of recommendation for you,
please read and follow these
- Q: Hey you! What should I call you?
A: "David" will do quite nicely, thank you very much. "Dave"
is a perfectly fine name, but Dave ain't me. (Thanks to Charles
Leiserson for the FAQ idea.)
- Q: Hey you! I'd rather call you Professor/Doctor
Liben-Nowell. How is that pronounced?
A: It's pronounced many different ways, but the correct one
rhymes with "ribbon towel."
Contact information:
Department of Computer Science
Carleton College
One North College St.
Northfield, MN 55057
Voice: +1 507 222 4679
Fax: +1 507 222 4312
Email: "dln" concatenated with "@carleton" and then ".edu".
(For personal email, please use "dlib" concatenated with "ennowell@" and then "gmail.com".)
Last updated: 20 February 2025.