Welcome to CookieJar

What is CookieJar?

CookieJar is a project that was created in Fall 2015 and Winter 2016 by a group of students as part of their senior capstone comprehensive exercise.

CookieJar is a Chrome Extension that allows you to keep tabs on your cookies as they are created and remove undesired cookies without interrupting your browsing. Our goal was easy tracking and visualizing of cookies to streamline user control of their online presence.

Check out our Chrome Extention here!

Meet the Team

Cody Bohlman

Cody is a Computer Science major from the balmy Irvine, California. After 3 years playing Varsity Baseball for Carleton, he is one of the team captains for his Senior year. He's worked as a Sports Medical Assistant at Carleton, and upon graduation will be visiting friends and family before working as an Associate Systems Architect for Pegasystems in Boston.

Emma Freeman

Emma is from Greenwich, Connecticut and majors in Computer Science with a concentration in Women and Gender Studies. During her time at Carleton College, she has participated in various forms of feminist activism, worked for the Alumni Relations department and the Computer Science department, and sporadically played intramural soccer. After graduating this winter, she will be traveling in Europe before starting her job at Fidelity Investments in the fall.

Joy Hill

Joy was born in a town of one thousand people in the north of England and moved to Dallas, Texas (pop: 1.25 million) when she was eight years old. At Carleton she majors in Computer Science and International Relations. She serves as Student Departmental Advisor to the CS department. She is a leader in the student movement J Street U and helped found Lovelace, a campus group to help promote gender diversity in Computer Science. After graduating she will be moving to New York City to work at Google.

Sahree Kasper

Sahree was born and raised in the great town of Northfield, Minnesota. Although she meant to escape the cold clutches of Minnesota and break her Malt-O-Meal cereal addiction, attending Carleton College happened to be a dream come true. With a Computer Science major and a Russian language certificate, she is perfect hacker material. Thankfully, she definitely does not know how to hack. Yet. Next year she will be a software engineer at United Health Group.

Robert Krossa

Robert is a Computer Science and Economics double major from Seattle, Washington. As a four-year member of the Varsity Swimming & Diving Team at Carleton, he has definitely kept busy. Next year, Robert plans on tackling Silicon Valley, where he will be working as a Software Developer for Amazon.

Advisor: Amy Csizmar Dalal

Our Project Resources

If you're interested in checking out our code, check out our github page here.
To download our Chrome Extention from the Chrome Extension store, click here!
Click here to download a pdf of our paper.