README.txt PROJECT DESCRIPTION SpaceCollisionSystem simulates systems of many moving objects and allows for comparison of several broad phase collision detection algorithms. The program consists of a graphical user interface (GUI) with user contorls and a display for visualizing the simulation. The user can select from the following algorithms: Brute Force Quadtree/Octree Spatial Index Spatial Hash Sweep and Prune Multidimensional Sweep and Prune Additionally, the user select from the following environments: 2-dimensional square space 3-dimensional cube space 3-dimensional unbounded space with gravity CONTENTS CODE/ src/ code independent of GUI library GUI/ SpaceCollisionSystem/ code relating to GUI and display Console/ SpaceCollisionSystemConsole/ code for running without GUI DOCS/ html/ index.html main page of documentation ... other documentation pages BUILDING AND RUNNING Before building the code, you must install the Qt Framework and IDE, the Qt3D library, and the Boost C++ libraries. Qt Framework and IDE: Download and install Qt 5.1.1 from You will have to download an appropriate installer for Qt 5.2.1, and when installing choose instead to install version 5.1.1. Qt3D library: Follow the instructions under "Option 1: Using Qt installer and building only Qt3D from Git" on the page Boost C++ libraries: Download from and unzip the file. In terminal, cd to the unzipped directory. Run the following commands: sudo ./ sudo ./b2 install These commands may take awhile. To open the project and view the code in the Qt IDE, locate the .pro file in CODE/GUI/SpaceCollisionSystem/ and open it. The project can be built and run using the green arrow button in the IDE. The console version may be opened in the same way and built using the hammer button in the IDE. It can then be run from the build directory in terminal.