
Week 4

The first PHP reading for this week is chapter 7 in Progamming PHP. This chapter has a lot of very important stuff on forms and servers and getting information from the user, and it's important that it be read closely. Then read chapters 1 and 2 in Essential PHP Security.

Key Concepts:
-variables in PHP
-Server information
-Creating and interpreting forms
-Broad security principles
-Different methods on how hackers hack a website
-How to protect against those methods

Design a form that asks a user to select preferences for background color and font color and size. Upon submitting the form the same page should load but with his/her new preferences. The defaults in the form should be set to what their preferences are. Be sure to keep the security tips in mind. As before include the header and footer files and make sure to add a link to this week's assignment to the footer. And remember to explore anything else you find that is interesting!

Files to Be Downloaded